If you haven't figured it out yet, I like staying home. I don't know how long it will last so I am enjoying it while I can. I am getting to do things I never had time to do before. I only worked part-time but that really took a lot of time. This week I tried a few new things.
Levi is starting to teethe. He already has 2 bottom teeth. He likes to chew. I was not satisfied with the biscuits from the store so I made my own. He loves them! However, I made a dessert with the wheat germ for the rest of the family and it was not a success. Dad and Mary Sue were the only ones who liked it.
I also made homemade baby food. We visited the local Farmers Market and bought some squash, corn, and zucchini. I froze the corn and zucchini for later but I pureed the squash for Levi. For 75 cents I was able to make about 8 servings. At the store it costs 98 cents for 2 servings. Now let's hope he likes it. We will give it a try for lunch. If it is successful, I will go out and get some more. Levi is a chunk and eats a lot!

The squash mixed with a little rice cereal was a success! Two cubes wasn't even enough. I might have another eater like Addison. Yeah!
This playing house for real stuff is pretty great. We do have to tread carefully. Pretty soon you'll be raising goats and milking them to make soap and I'll be shearing sheep and spinning wool. ;)
Furthermore, that chubby baby of yours is great.
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