This week I have spent a lot of time searching. There are several things that I have lost or misplaced recently. I hate that. I usually do not do that. I tend to know where everything is. On Saturday, I got a call from the library that a CD was missing from the Junie B. audio book that I returned. I looked in the computers and the CD players with no luck. We couldn't even remember listening to Junie B. I would remember; she's pretty funny! I went through all the books in the kids room...then through all the toys...all the drawers...everywhere! A couple days later I remembered that we listened to Junie B. on the kitchen CD player. I found it in between the refrigerator and the cabinet. Yeah!
Now I am looking for my little blue credit card holder. I have some gift cards in it. I let Addison play with it last week/weekend (I think). I told her to put it away and now we can't find it. The disappointing thing is that there is a Cold Stone gift card in there with like $5 on it. There also is a Hardees card. Oh well. Hardees closed a few years ago. Once again I have looked everywhere. I am hoping writing about it will make it appear!
Before I even was able to get this posted, I had an idea to look in the couch again. Not just under the cushions but way down under. I have to push the springs down to reach down behind. I found pencils, peanuts, pretzels, AND the credit card holder!!!!
Since that worked I am also going to write about the PTL money bag (it doesn't have any money in it...just the bag) and the Christmas exchange list that Tony wrote while at Kelly's. Let's hope this works...again!
Friday, September 30, 2011
Thursday, September 29, 2011
We Have Girl Scouts
Soccer is about over so we are now moving on to the next activity. Girl Scouts! This is Alexandra's 2nd year and Addison's 1st. Alexandra is now a Brownie and Addison is a Daisy. Their two troops will be doing a lot together which will make it easier on us. Last Saturday they got to walk in the parade downtown. Here they are getting ready to go. They are now selling nuts and fruit to raise money for the different activities/patches they will be doing throughout the year. Cookie sales aren't until after Christmas. Let me know if you are interested in buying anything or be prepared when they ask you!
Girl Scouts
Monday, September 26, 2011
Men of the House
The men of the house are great fun!
Kid Pictures
Thursday, September 22, 2011
We might have a soccer player
Alexandra has been playing soccer for a couple years. She finally is starting to get aggressive and understand the game. Her coach this season has really helped. She likes playing all positions even goalie which makes me a nervous wreck. She scored her first goal last week, and she scored another one the very next game. Yesterday she played against a classmate from school. They were a tough team. Here are some pictures from the game:
It's Hard to Get a Good Picture
We don't usually get a chance to get a picture all together. When we do, it isn't always easy.
Here's why: 
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
What a Week!
Busy, busy, busy. I finally have a few moments to sit and blog. The boys are asleep, and I am home. Wow! I haven't really been home with nothing to do for over a week. Well, I have things to do, but they can wait. I already did 5 loads of laundry this morning, so I think I deserve a break. Last Tuesday Tony needed to do a report for the state and needed me to sub for him. It went well. It was the same class from last year, so I knew them all and what they were supposed to be doing.
I was actually glad to get in the classroom and redirect them a little. I had graded their math and English papers, so I needed to remind them of some mistakes they were making. Minor things. I miss teaching English. We got a new English curriculum last year that I loved. It was so new and different though that it was slow going. I wanted to see how they were doing this year. It was great to see that they remembered a lot and were able to move through the first 2 chapters fairly quickly. Hopefully they will get a little more covered this year. It was actually a pretty easy day because the kids had music, religion, and P.E. with other teachers so I didn't have to teach too much.
Wednesday was spent getting the van fixed. A light had been on for a long time and I needed to get it in the shop. So at 9 o'clock on a fairly chilly morning the boys and I went to Midway. I thought about taking the Yanney walk, but it was chilly so we walked to Burger King. We had breakfast and Asher played on the equipment. We were there for almost 2 hours. I never have been in a fast food restaurant that long but it was fun. No word about the van so we went on a walk to Orschelns which I remember as Wheelers as a kid. Actually looked almost the same. I bought burnt peanuts as I used to do with Mom. We walked by Fairbanks. I remember stopping in there in high school to pick up parts for Dad. We into Tractor Supply and Earl May. At 12 I decided to call Midway. No luck in figuring out the light. The tech was going to go to lunch will know more at 1:30. Seriously! I thought a 9 o'clock appointment meant they would look at it at 9. I called Tony; I didn't know what to do. He suggested a movie since we were right there. I didn't know if there were 12 o'clock showings in Kearney or not. I didn't think Asher would like The Help so we went to the Smurfs. Surprisingly it was good. Definitely will buy it. It was now after 1:30. Midway called and told me everything that was wrong. I almost fainted, but knew it all had to be done. I was going to try to walk to school. We stopped at McDonald's for a late lunch and then headed North. The wind was blowing right in our faces. I didn't want the boys to get sick so I called for help. Liz picked us up and took us to school. Later Shirley took us all home and then took Tony to Midway to get the van. Long day!
Thursday I spent cleaning because my Aunt Judy and Uncle Doyle were making a spontaneous trip through Nebraska. They hadn't seen our new house and the basement was dirty because Tony used the table saw and left quite a mess. It was nice to get the house back in order again. They arrived around 3 and we had a great time seeing them. Aunt Judy is a retired teacher and brought some boxes of books to donate to the school library. She also gave the kids some special books and fun things to play with. They stayed with Dad that night.
I had to sub again on Friday because Tony had a principals conference in Grand Island. No music, no religion, and no P.E. Friday was a little bit longer of a day, but I made it to the end.
Saturday I had things to get done. I had a ton of bananas to do something with. I made some banana teething biscuits, and I wanted to freeze some for Levi but bananas tend to brown. I mixed in some milk and strawberry yogurt and froze up about 8 servings. They don't brown and Levi likes them. I visited the Farmers Market on the way to soccer for Addison. I got $3 worth of squash. After lunch, I froze up about 18 servings of squash! During nap, I canned 7 quarts of tomatoes from Dad. Then I watched the Husker game.
Sunday was the school/church golf tournament. Tony was leaving with Pastor and Nathan for a conference in Ainsworth. I took all the kids to the Jones for the day. Dad and I golfed and tied for first. We won last year. Next year they all will be gunning for us. Dad said we would practice a few times next summer!
Monday and Tuesday I subbed since Tony was still gone. No religion but had music and P.E. Pretty good days but glad to be done and back to staying home!
I was actually glad to get in the classroom and redirect them a little. I had graded their math and English papers, so I needed to remind them of some mistakes they were making. Minor things. I miss teaching English. We got a new English curriculum last year that I loved. It was so new and different though that it was slow going. I wanted to see how they were doing this year. It was great to see that they remembered a lot and were able to move through the first 2 chapters fairly quickly. Hopefully they will get a little more covered this year. It was actually a pretty easy day because the kids had music, religion, and P.E. with other teachers so I didn't have to teach too much.
Wednesday was spent getting the van fixed. A light had been on for a long time and I needed to get it in the shop. So at 9 o'clock on a fairly chilly morning the boys and I went to Midway. I thought about taking the Yanney walk, but it was chilly so we walked to Burger King. We had breakfast and Asher played on the equipment. We were there for almost 2 hours. I never have been in a fast food restaurant that long but it was fun. No word about the van so we went on a walk to Orschelns which I remember as Wheelers as a kid. Actually looked almost the same. I bought burnt peanuts as I used to do with Mom. We walked by Fairbanks. I remember stopping in there in high school to pick up parts for Dad. We into Tractor Supply and Earl May. At 12 I decided to call Midway. No luck in figuring out the light. The tech was going to go to lunch will know more at 1:30. Seriously! I thought a 9 o'clock appointment meant they would look at it at 9. I called Tony; I didn't know what to do. He suggested a movie since we were right there. I didn't know if there were 12 o'clock showings in Kearney or not. I didn't think Asher would like The Help so we went to the Smurfs. Surprisingly it was good. Definitely will buy it. It was now after 1:30. Midway called and told me everything that was wrong. I almost fainted, but knew it all had to be done. I was going to try to walk to school. We stopped at McDonald's for a late lunch and then headed North. The wind was blowing right in our faces. I didn't want the boys to get sick so I called for help. Liz picked us up and took us to school. Later Shirley took us all home and then took Tony to Midway to get the van. Long day!
Thursday I spent cleaning because my Aunt Judy and Uncle Doyle were making a spontaneous trip through Nebraska. They hadn't seen our new house and the basement was dirty because Tony used the table saw and left quite a mess. It was nice to get the house back in order again. They arrived around 3 and we had a great time seeing them. Aunt Judy is a retired teacher and brought some boxes of books to donate to the school library. She also gave the kids some special books and fun things to play with. They stayed with Dad that night.
I had to sub again on Friday because Tony had a principals conference in Grand Island. No music, no religion, and no P.E. Friday was a little bit longer of a day, but I made it to the end.
Saturday I had things to get done. I had a ton of bananas to do something with. I made some banana teething biscuits, and I wanted to freeze some for Levi but bananas tend to brown. I mixed in some milk and strawberry yogurt and froze up about 8 servings. They don't brown and Levi likes them. I visited the Farmers Market on the way to soccer for Addison. I got $3 worth of squash. After lunch, I froze up about 18 servings of squash! During nap, I canned 7 quarts of tomatoes from Dad. Then I watched the Husker game.
Sunday was the school/church golf tournament. Tony was leaving with Pastor and Nathan for a conference in Ainsworth. I took all the kids to the Jones for the day. Dad and I golfed and tied for first. We won last year. Next year they all will be gunning for us. Dad said we would practice a few times next summer!
Monday and Tuesday I subbed since Tony was still gone. No religion but had music and P.E. Pretty good days but glad to be done and back to staying home!
Homemade Baby Food
Friday, September 9, 2011
Things I Never Had Time For
If you haven't figured it out yet, I like staying home. I don't know how long it will last so I am enjoying it while I can. I am getting to do things I never had time to do before. I only worked part-time but that really took a lot of time. This week I tried a few new things.
Levi is starting to teethe. He already has 2 bottom teeth. He likes to chew. I was not satisfied with the biscuits from the store so I made my own. He loves them! However, I made a dessert with the wheat germ for the rest of the family and it was not a success. Dad and Mary Sue were the only ones who liked it.
I also made homemade baby food. We visited the local Farmers Market and bought some squash, corn, and zucchini. I froze the corn and zucchini for later but I pureed the squash for Levi. For 75 cents I was able to make about 8 servings. At the store it costs 98 cents for 2 servings. Now let's hope he likes it. We will give it a try for lunch. If it is successful, I will go out and get some more. Levi is a chunk and eats a lot!

Homemade Baby Food
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Bumblebees and Ladybugs Sale
For the last week or so, I have been going through the kids' old clothes. I was holding on to quite a bit of it. I was able to collect over 100 items of clothing, some children's toys and decor, and my winter maternity clothes to take to the local consignment sale. I usually just took everything to Goodwill, but since I had the time I decided to try the consigning thing. I priced things pretty low so hopefully a lot of it will sell. What doesn't sell, I am donating. I don't need to keep any of this stuff! I had a fun time organizing everything. I still have lots of totes downstairs of clothes for the boys to wear, larger sizes for the girls, and some clothes I just can't part with. I still took 2 garbage bags to Goodwill and have a large tote for the spring sale. I like having these projects to do now that I am home. It keeps me busy and keeps the clutter out of the house. I will keep you posted on the next project. It all depends how much I make from the sale. I have an idea on how to organize all these kids' books!
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