Karen and I took our girls out to a pumpkin farm last Saturday. Karen's daughter, Sydney, is on the right in the picture below. She is two years old. They look pretty cute together; they all have blonde hair and blue eyes.

This is the best picture I could get. You get the idea. Addison never really stuck her head out the hole while the other two were trying to crawl all they way through.

There was a small maze for the kids to go through. These two did a good job. Addison just took her time and fell behind.

Here I am with the girls on the pumpkin train.

After a hayrack ride, we made it down to the pumpkin patch. This is the pumpkin we brought home for Daddy to carve.

It was an extremely windy day and the girls we getting tired. They decided to take a break in the cart while we waited for a tractor to take us back up to the farm.

There was a small building filled with corn over 1 foot deep.

They had fun digging and playing in the corn.

When they all started lying down in the corn, we knew it was time to head home.